This page contains links to the short stories and poems which people have allowed me to host on my page. Please read them and tell the authors what you think :) If you have a short story or poem, please email it to me, I would love to host it :)
This is a short story about Brian’s experience with his heart problems when he was five, from the point of view of his mother. By Julie.
This is the sequel to “Miracle Child”. This short story is about Brian’s heart surgery in 1998. From the view point of his mother. By Julie
Maggie is the manager of a theatre that has the BSB there for an autograph session. Things get out of control and it's up to Maggie to protect Brian from danger. By Auctor
The author of the story doesn't want to give away much of the plot but I can tell you it is a awesome short story about Kevin. Click on the link to read it :-) By Julie
An old lady finds out devastating news about her favorite Backstreet Boy. By Julie
Show me the Meaning of Being Lonely
This is a poem based on the “Show Me the Meaning” video. By Julie
A sad short story about AJ. Click on the link to read it :) By Amanda
It's tough being a superstar. He's holding it inside and pretending everything's all right. It's going to catch up with him soon, but will it be too late? By Mickey Littrell
The 'flu' can't kill anyone. Right? By Gabby Carter
This short story is similar to “Miracle Child”, so if you liked that one, you will probably like this one too. It is about Brian and is told through the point of view of his older brother. By Julie
A really sweet short story that shows how a little bit of kindness can change someone's life for the better. By Linda
A short story about the BSB as they look back to the past. By TJ
A really sad and sweet short story told in the view of BJ Carter. By Tabitha
A sweet and sad story about Brian by Tabitha. Authors personal dedication: I wrote this story about a year ago, after I became pen-pals with my friend Heather Swadberg. I wrote the story for her. My favorite boyband has now changed, it is no longer Backstreet Boys, but Brian still remains in my heart because he is one of the sweetest men alive. I will always love him, even though I don't like the other four. Heather, this one's for you chica! ;-)
Two months after his open heart surgery, Brian notices a strange girl following him around. When tragedy strikes at that nights concert, he's in for a big surprise. Who's the mystery girl and exactly how big of a part of his life is she? Read to find out... By Heidi B.
This short story about Nick shows how three simple words can change a life… and maybe even save one. By Julie.
AJ watches Nick as a yellow jacket bothers him on the bus. AJ wants to know what its like to be a bee...and he finds out! By Chrissy
This story is about not taking things for granted, for you never know when tomorrow won’t come. By Julie
A article by Amy about a serious issue that faces many people. Please read
A man let jealousy and rage overcome his mind and it caused him to lose something very important in his life. Can he ever make his wrongs right? by Heidi J.