The Perfect Amanda

The Perfect Amanda

We were always close, my son and I. I was always afraid of losing my baby, afraid I wouldn't get to know him. To think that he trusted me? At a young age Brian was confronted with limits, boundaries he had to keep within. So many times I didn't want to let him out of my sight, others I wish I could've let him run free. Run? Isn't that ironic, now when I look back and realize that's all he wanted to do. He always begged his father and I to let him run with the rest of the kids. Brian couldn't, he was different. The hole in his heart didn't shrink as was told it would do, and his heart grew. Brian grew more tired than usual, you see he's in a singing group, he was. I let him sing and dance, things I knew he shouldn't do, but let him run free. He was told he was to have a routine heart surgery to close the hole. I trusted it was the right decision, it wasn't urgent to the doctor's, and Brian put it off as long as he could. See, my Brian loved his fans, he at least wanted to finish the tour. Then the day came. I saw Brian laying there in the bed and flashbacks flashed through my mind. I saw my little five-year old baby laying there. Looking at me with his piercing blue eyes, begging me to take him home. Like then, and now, I couldn't, once again I was leaving my child in the care of people I trust. I remember when I had to say good-bye, I didn't know just what to say. Then I remembered the night before when I found an envelope addressed, "Mom" in Brian's handwriting. Now thinking back I remember what it held.

Dear Mom,

I couldn't tell you face to face what you meant to me. So I did what I do best and wrote this for you.

It takes alot to know what is love

It's not the big things but the little things

That can mean enough

A lot of prayers to get me through

There is never a day that passes by

I don't think of you

You were always there for me

Pushing me and guiding me

Always to suceed

You showed me

When I was young just how to grow

You showed me

Everything that I should know

You showed me

Just how to walk without your hands

Cause mom you always were

The perfect fan

God has been so good

Blessing me with a family

Who did all they could

Now I've had many years of grace

And it flatters me when I see

A smile on your face

I wanna thank you for what you've done

In hopes I can give back to you

And be the perfect son

You showed me how to love

You showed me how to care

You showed me that you would always be there

And I wanna thank you for that time

And I'm proud to say you're mine

Mom, you always were

You know you always were

Mom you always were

You know you always were

The perfect fan

I love you, mom

I remembered those words and reached in my pocket and felt the note. Before they took him from me, I did tell him I loved him, and told him something that meant just as much. I told him that he was the "perfect son". He smiled at me, that smile is still and will forever be etched in my mind. I said it for two reasons, one-it was true; two-I knew it would mean alot to him to know that I read it. Brian died in surgery, some kind of complications. At his funeral I read the poem, letter, or song whatever he meant it to be. Like on earth, as is in heaven my Brian has a golden heart. If you ask why I didn't cry after the funeral? Because I knew Brian was happier in heaven, cause un-like on earth my baby could run.

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